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Starward Bound

The science fiction/fantasy organization of Dayton, Ohio...the Miami Valley...and beyond....

The Starward Bound club logo: A dragon perched atop a spaceship

Formed in 1981, Starward Bound is the oldest science fiction and fantasy club currently in existence in the Dayton, Ohio area. Its members have a wide and diverse range of interests, from literature to role-playing games to media (both TV and movies) to writing SF/fantasy to filksinging.

Starward Bound holds a monthly business meeting on the third Thursday of every month at 7:00pm at the Huber Heights Library at 6160 Chambersburg in the middle of the Huber Heights Center.
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For more information about the club, please send a SASE to:

Starward Bound
P.O. Box 20064
Dayton, Ohio 45420-0064
or send e-mail to

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This page last reviewed/updated: 12-Mar-02 DMM